Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection Map Pack

After several successful map packs each featuring an equally engrossing zombie playground for the shambling undead, Call of Duty: Black Ops has introduced what will likely be its final DLC expansion until Modern Warfare 3. While the title has certainly has had its highs and lows, tackling each new zombie expansion has been the cherry on the top of the sundae for me. Unfortunately, friends did not always see fit to purchase each additional map packs (and I couldn’t blame them) so much of the massacring fell squarely on myself or one other partner.

Now, for a relative paltry sum, the Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection Pack grants access to all prior zombie maps that were released in separate offerings: Shi No Numa, Nacht Der Untoten, Verruckt, and Der Riese. While one could have picked up these maps in addition to the Hardened or Prestige releases of Call of Duty: Black Ops, this hefty package collects them all, re-mastered, locked and loaded.

We’ve covered each of the prior zombie outings and while they’ve been re-mastered to perfection (as close as they can get, anyway) and feature more modernized weaponry, the only “new” attraction in Rezurrection is the off-the-wall Moon map, easily one of the best arenas in which to blow through the waves of undead thus far, and a fantastic assumed conclusion to a series of enjoyable content. Rather than being centered in an abandoned warehouse or similarly uninspired arena, Moon is centered around Area 51 and, well…the moon.

The beginning of each match, featuring “No Man’s Land,” requires you to survive long enough until a teleporter is open for use. This brand new area is a contest in itself, much like the Easter egg zombie shooter seen in Black Ops, with a leaderboard attached to compare your score against all your friends. Once you can step into the teleporter, however, everything changes. Suddenly, you’re actually on the moon. Obviously, being devoid of oxygen, spacesuits are required for any real progress to be made. So, before you choke to death, you’re fitted with a P.E.S. suit that may be equipped via D-pad. And then it’s time to head out and kick some moon zombie butt.

With several juicy hidden Easter eggs, astronaut zombies, and a few new augments meant to aid in the ultimate Easter egg hunt (similar to Call of the Dead’s elaborate ruse depicted in the Escalation map pack), Moon is one of the most interesting zombie adventures yet. From the altered gravity to the fascinating lunar environments, it stands out from the rest of the re-released maps as one of the best reasons to purchase the Rezurrection collection.

I’m usually against repackaging and repurposing, but as Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection Pack offers zombie fans a chance to experience some of the most memorable maps from the history of Call of Duty, this is as close as we may get to an all-zombie Call of Duty release. Say what you will about the frequency of the available map packs for Black Ops, but Activision has certainly kept their promise to promote the original game long after its initial release, which is probably why its become the best-selling of the entire franchise. With Modern Warfare 3 on the horizon, this should be a delicious undead treat to get your blood pumping until you settle in with the next exercise in modern-day gunplay.

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