Archive for September, 2009

Preview: Dragon Age: Origins

When you think of the name BioWare, many fantastic gaming experiences come to mind: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, and most recently, Mass Effect. Soon to be added to that list is BioWare’s newest venture, Dragon Age: Origins. We got a chance at obtaining some inside information on the ambitious project that we’re bringing you, the lucky reader.

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Review: Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Rockstar is primarily known to most gamers through its spectacular Grand Theft Auto games, but over the years it’s been simple to overlook another of its franchises that hasn’t been in the spotlight as often or as long. I’m talking about Midnight Club, Rockstar’s answer to the Need for Speed and Burnout series, and its most recent iteration, Midnight Club: Los Angeles. Midnight Club has always been a sort of GTA-lite, in that the games contain a open-world approach to the racing theme. It’s also the first entry out of the franchise to come to current-gen systems such as the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. What’s presented is an impressive experience featuring a fantastic marriage of speed and fined-tuned controls. However, even though there are a myriad of finer points throughout the game, it isn’t without fault.

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Preview: Bayonetta

Hideki Kamiya is a devious one. First he sends gamers into a frenzy with the release of one of the most stylish action/hack-and-slash franchises to date in Devil May Cry, and then he decides to exploit one of the most obvious weaknesses of the human condition: the sex drive. If he’s already sold the cool kids on stylish action via the original Devil May Cry, then this time he’s targeting anyone who appreciates the female form. The impending release of Bayonetta has  gotten us all hot and bothered. Here’s a quick look at what should be one of this winter’s sexiest adventures.

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Interview: Josh Olin of Treyarch

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you can’t dispute the success of both the Call of Duty: World at War map packs or the game itself. I had a few short questions to offer up the very gracious Josh Olin, community manager of Treyarch, about some various WaW-related topics and he was nice enough to respond with some very candid and informative answers that I think all of you World at War fans should enjoy. So, call the dogs! I’m sitting down with Josh Olin.

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Review: I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1

As a general rule I stay far away from the Community Games – er, excuse me, Indie Games section on Xbox Live. While there are a scant few gems to be found on there, it’s rife with Geometry Wars clones, insipid beer games, and various other ways to waste your Microsoft points. While making the rounds online one fine day I was introduced to the rather peculiarly-titled I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1 fresh from Dishwasher creator, James Silva. While reluctant at first to check out a game that is simply a mockery of the industry it was released in, I was soon quite eager to take part in this massive act of trolling. After all, Silva would know trolling, fresh from the 1-point review he wrote for The Dishwasher. I was quite surprised with a dual-stick shooter that brought an impish grin to my face…for a while.

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