Archive for April, 2009

Review: MLB 09: The Show

Generally, PSP titles cannot hold up to their big console brothers’ editions. Unless you’ve got an innovative puzzler or cutesy game that relies more on its charm to be a good game, chances are the product isn’t going to be that spectacular. It’s become a platform that continually receives the short end of the stick when it comes to receiving viable titles, but it’s still great for one very important thing: portability. There has always been a dearth of excellent sport titles for portable play, especially in an age where consoles continually dominate the field rather than their handheld counterparts. This year’s MLB 09: The Show for the PSP has outdone itself as a real competitor for the bigger and more fleshed out renditions that you’ll be paying the big bucks for. Not only is it excellent as a PSP title, but it is only outshined by its PS3 edition – that’s saying a lot, when you consider the percentage of shovelware that handhelds continue to endure year after year. MLB 09: The Show is a great game of baseball for those of you who like your sports action on the go.

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