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Review: Plants vs. Zombies

In any universe, zombies would undeniably conquer plants. PopCap Games seeks to overturn that stereotype with the release of Plants vs. Zombies, an infectiously cute tower defense title that packs enough charm and personality to entertain any gamer. If you’ve moved on from Peggle, welcome to your new addiction.

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Review: Peggle Nights

Peggle continues to steal the souls of every single gamer it touches, leaving husks of the former person behind. This year seems to have been the “big” year for the franchise, as its appearance on the Xbox Live Arcade has brought forward a massive influx of brand new fans. Any wildly popular game can warrant a sequel. Peggle Nights is the official sequel to the astronomically successful original title, released late last year. Delivering more of the same Peggle action, this is one more gem from PopCap that you’re going to find yourself losing several hours at a time on.

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