All posts in Nintendo DS

Review: Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume

Valkyrie Profile has always been quite the revered RPG franchise. Beginning with the coveted, gorgeous, and brilliant original game, Square Enix has nurtured a legend over the years with subsequent entries to the series. The last addition to a long line of quality games is now Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. Finally, DS owners have been treated to one of the most engaging franchises that RPGs of gaming have to offer. This is a beautiful, strategic triumph for the Nintendo handheld, and RPG/SRPG fans should have much to enjoy here.

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Review: Blue Dragon Plus

Blue Dragon Plus is a return to form for the admittedly lackluster JRPG originally housed on the Xbox 360. From Mistwalker Studios and famed developer Brownie Brown (Magical Starsign, Heroes of Mana), we’re gifted with a sequel to a story that, while it shouldn’t have received continuation to begin with, is much more engaging than its previous installment. With a focus on strategy conventions rather than tried-and-true turn-based battles coupled with some gorgeous sprites and washes of color, this is the Blue Dragon I would have preferred from the beginning.

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Review: Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

Most of us would likely never consider farming as a desirable career choice, considering the long, grueling hours one must put into fields, crops, and animals in order to see even the smallest results. Who would have ever imagined gamers would ever let themselves become so acquainted with farming sims? Surprisingly, the games are a substantial success – titles such as Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing really bring in the sales. Having grown up with both, I can attest to the hours of entertainment they can provide if you’re willing to put in the work.

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Review: Gardening Mama

Cooking Mama was one of the first games to feature a traditional female role model that didn’t aspire to be a sexy vixen, a dangerous diva, or anything else of the sort. While Mama isn’t exactly the kind of woman I would hope to grow up to be, it was a wholesome and welcome change of pace for younger gamers, especially of the female persuasion. The friendly Mama would present different types of recipes for eager gamers to prepare, all while being as helpful as possible. If for some reason you made an error, Mama would gleefully offer to “fix it,” though she did do so with flames in her eyes. Though it was a great choice for parents or women just getting into the gaming scene, it was also great for those of us who are a bit more seasoned in their choice of video games.

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Review: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

The GTA series has become a bit of a mixed bag throughout the years. Upon changing up formulas, catering to different audiences, and bringing change to a formula that wasn’t exactly broken, its popularity continues to surge. With the recent release of Grand Theft Auto IV and its very first DLC episode, the franchise has gained and lost a myriad of fans. However, one thing remains unchanging: the fact that Rockstar has never been, nor will be, afraid to go there.

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