Archive for February, 2009

Review: Metal Slug 7

If you’re looking for a fast-paced, action-packed shoot-em-up/brawler, the Metal Slug series has always been a safe bet. Its latest incarnation, Metal Slug 7, is no different. Released exclusively for the DS, it offers more of the same run-and-gun action you’re used to, but with little twists to cater to the DS’s more sensitive features such as the microphone or even touch screen. No, the DS’s latest entry into the Metal Slug series is devoid of any amenities you would expect a game on the little console that could to provide. Though it doesn’t power the genre forward from its humble beginnings back in 1998, it’s still an enjoyable 2D shoot-’em-up that is tons of fun, if you can get past a few of its bugs.

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